Sunday, May 1, 2011

Walk Down the Brook With Me Part 1

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This was as high as I got when I followed the brook upstream.
The brook flows over a granite ledge. This is called a flume.

Over the next few days you will join me on my walk from the top of the brook down to the house. But the top isn't really the top. It is as far up as I got the day I walked up. Walking across the top of one boulder and leaning on another boulder, my leg fell in a hole that was an entrance to somebody's house under the rock. It hurt a lot, so I didn't go up any further.

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After photographing the flume above, I turned 180° and photographed our home down below.

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The brook leaves the flume and flows around this huge boulder.

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The brook leaves the boulder and enters this tumble of small boulders.

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After flowing through the small boulders, the brook goes around and under this huge glacial erratic.
I fell in the hole on top of the back of the rock that this rock sits on.

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The glacial erratic is in the back. The brook now goes down a series of steps.

Tomorrow I will post photos of the water as it flows and falls around the erratics that you see here. I love this brook and spend as much time as possible with it all spring, summer and fall. Spring is the best time to observe the geology of the land because the land is laid bare until the foliage comes out. When the land is green, a lot is invisible.


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